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Harmonie Stage

In the magical setting of Arlet Lila, a writer from a forgotten era, a Victorian scene unfolds, merging with modernity. 
a 2d living room, a house, a life in which we can all identify with. 

Arlet is the guardian of forgotten stories, of the secrets in all of us, the relentless march of time and the discomfort of her dress.

The show becomes a magical journey, where each object has a story to tell, and the writer, freed from the bonds of time, writes stories that transcend the ages. The connection between the writer and the objects that come to life, in an enchanting show full of surprises and visual poetry
It is a journey through creativity and the immortality of stories that should never be forgotten. 
A sensory experience that combines the technical prowess of contemporary circus (hula hoop, object manipulatioion and dance) with the boundless imagination of magic. In this 2D show, reality is transformed into a living canvas where objects dance, float and reveal their astonishing magic, 

A unique and charming show where beauty and surprise coexist in the eternal dance of time.

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-15 at 15.01.24.jpeg

Artistic sheed:

Directing and performing by: Francesca Merisio
Set Design: Ilias Markelefas
Sound technical: Bruno Otranto
Video shooting and edition: Chiara Morcelli (kiratraum)

Fotoshooting: Fred Taouch

Technic requirment:

Stage dimension: 8m x 6m x 5m (ideal stage) Flat floor without unevenness, clean, without stones nor sand
Frontal format and semicircular audience.
Duration: 50 minutes.

Set up: 3 hours
Braek down: 1 hour
2 Luggage of 23 kg for travels
Sound system: depend how big will be the stage. The artist provide a sound for 300 person.
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